Football Inside Film

 Once again I will be giving you the breakdown of our breakdown. Our film sessions are when we breakdown previous practices and game film on the opponent we will be facing. At this level of football, film meetings are the most important part of the game it’s where you learn how to get the upper hand on the guy lined up in front of you before you meet him on the field. Depending on the position you play determines how you breakdown the film. As a wide receiver I strictly look at the defensive backs and the technique they use in man coverage or in zone coverage. I find weaknesses that they have and use it to my advantage. For example, a defensive back I’m getting ready for has long arms but slow hips. That means at the line of scrimmage I cannot do a three-step release to get off the ball because he will use his length to punch and jam me. Instead, I will use a one-step release, otherwise known as a speed release, because it will not allow him time to get his hands on me and slow me down. This also allows me to run by him because he can’t flip his hips fast enough to run which will allow me to get wide open and score as many touchdowns as possible.