COLUMN: Expo A Way to Find Your Future

The Graduate College and Career Fair Expo at Siena Heights University was a great opportunity for students to come and make connections for those interested in graduate schools and finding internships.

The fair provided students with the ability to gather information from a wide variety of schools and internships and expand their options for the future. As a student, it was interesting to find and connect with various schools and companies that were within my area of psychology. I found the fair useful in that regard because I was able to connect with quite a few graduate schools to consider for my future as well as internships that I could apply for in my time after Siena.

The event had a positive energy to it from both the students and representatives of the different organizations.

As I walked around, every representative was eager and ready to tell you about their school or line of work. They answered questions such as benefits of choosing them over their competitors to things like what majors they offered, or how they could help you build up your resume, and much more.

I know that my concerns about graduate school were answered after talking with a majority of representatives from the different universities, such as if their program held APA accreditation.

Overall, the Expo is a beneficial event for students to attend. Even if you don’t find a graduate program with your area of interest, you can always find an internship that sparks your interest, or even find an area of interest that is similar to your main area of focus.