Siena Heights Men’s Soccer Team Has Hopes of Better Season with New Coach

Coach Andrew Crawford, Siena Heights’ new men’s soccer coach, is excited for this upcoming season.
After being asked about the transition from February to now coach said, “It’s been great. The men have been very receptive to having me take over. They had three different coaches last year, so it was kind of a hard transition for them, but as time has gone on, they have been very accepting of me.”
After being asked about the message that he has been giving the team from when he started to now, he said, “The biggest thing is this conference. We need to try and get to the playoffs so winning our conference games are going to be more important.”
Crawford’s said his main goal is to get the Saints to the playoffs and to send the upperclassmen out on a good note.
After being asked about who has taken the leadership role on the team, he said, “We have three captains that have done a great job leading the team, and we also has a few other players that has really stepped up. Senior leadership has been great.”
Crawford went on to say Saints fans can expect a lot of winning out of them this season.
“We’re trying to become a team that is not predictable,” he said.
The Saints are ending a six-game road trip and they hosted St. Francis (Ind.) Sept. 16.