The Top Sports Injuries of All-Time
Kevin Ware, Louisville 2013: Breaks leg in Elite Eight game on sideline. Kevin was attempting to block a shot and when he landed, he suffered a compound fracture to his leg. His leg broke through the skin and was showing outside his leg.
Anderson Silva: During a UFC fight, he attempted to kick his opponent and when he did he fracture his leg. His leg snapped and was dangling in a different direction than the rest of his leg.
Akil Mitchell: In January 2017, he was playing in a basketball game with a team from New Zeeland. He jump for a rebound and got poked in the eye. When falling to the floor his eye dislodged from it socket.
Clint Malarchuck: In a hockey game he was attempting to save a puck and someone’s skate came up and slices his neck open. The skate cut his jugular and sent blood spewing all over the ice. They were able to stop the bleeding in time and saved his life.
Aroldis Chapman: He was hit with a line drive to his head at over 100 mph. This hit cracked his skull and caused him to miss an extended period of time. They were forced to peel his face back and implant titanium mesh to put his skull back into place.