Homecoming Preview: Get Ready!

Homecoming is on its way at Siena Heights University. Homecoming Week will feature events and festivities every day of the week, starting Oct. 9 and ending Oct. 14.

So what do the Saints have in store for them this upcoming week?

Monday: Comedian Ahmed Bharoocha at 9 p.m. in Rueckert with a candy bar sponsored by SPARC

Tuesday: Minute to Win It Games at 7 p.m. on Led Lawn, sponsored by Res Life; and Lip Sync Battle at 9 p.m. in Rueckert, sponsored by SAAC

Wednesday: Homecoming T-Shirt Handout in the UC Living Room, Paint Party at 9 p.m. outside of the Fieldhouse, sponsored by a collaboration of student organizations

Thursday: Eclipse Open Mic Night at 6:30 p.m. in UC Living Room; Theatre Siena presents Sunday in the Park with George at 7:30 p.m. in Francoeur; “Spiderman: Homecoming” movie on Led Lawn with a food truck at 9 p.m.

Friday: Haunted House at the Fieldhouse Lawn and Friday the 13th festivities from 8-11 p.m. sponsored by a collaboration of multiple student organizations, Powder Puff at 10pm at the Stadium sponsored by the Sisterhood of Saints

This Homecoming is special for both Director of Student Engagement Dexter Overall and senior and current President of SPARC (Student Programming And Recreation Committee) Jarrod Stober.

This is Overall’s first Homecoming, as this is his first year in the position, taking over for Gabe Dunbar, who is now at Bowling Green. Overall’s first day of work was on Aug. 7, and he has been planning Homecoming since Aug. 8.

In contrast, this is Stober’s last Homecoming as a student.

When it comes to Homecoming, it doesn’t just happen in a week. Overall said he has been working on it since August, while Stober said he has been planning with his E-Board for SPARC since last year!

“The support for Homecoming has been overwhelming!” according to Overall. So many students, staff, faculty, and student organizations have been helping during this process (too many to list!), he added.

Overall said it is truly an honor to be a part of Homecoming this year. He has some goals, though. He said he would like to increase attendance, present new events and build collaboration among student organizations.

“Homecoming is one of my favorite times of the school year. You get to really see and feel the school spirit and I’m happy to be a part of Siena’s celebration,” said Overall.

According to Overall, Homecoming is an amazing time to create new memories, and isn’t that what college is all about? Stober agrees, commenting that students should participate because they can make memories that will last a lifetime.

“This Homecoming is truly about sweet endings and new beginnings. I hope that everyone will join us “Under the Lights” for a fun-filled week!” said Overall.

Be sure to check out the events each night!