Directed By: Sean Anders – PG13 – 96 mins – Paramount Pictures – Release Date: December 25th 2015 – Comedy
The idea behind Daddy’s Home, which now joins the list with San Andreas, Minions and Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 as one of the worst films of the year is this – Will Ferrell is Brad Whittaker a step-dad who can’t quite seem to connect with his wife’s (Linda Cardellini) kids. As things begin to look up for Brad – Mark Wahlberg’s very macho Dusty Mayron steps into the picture – which, figuratively, is giving Brad a run for his money. The film than sprawls into a no-holds bar cliche dad vs dad mash-up – the only thing is..hardly any of it is even remotely funny. I was a big fan of the two stars last collaboration, The Other Guys, that film had a inside sense of humor which played well to its demographic. What’s worse is THIS PG13 rated dread-fest is being targeted towards families..I highly suggest if you have little ones that you steer them very clear of this debacle over the holiday season (a scene which involves the two in a fertility clinic sends the wrong message). Better yet, if you have seen the many dozen trailers advertised, you’ve basically seen the entire movie, I’m not kidding. Ideally, the on-screen chemistry is okay, and the last scene alone is what saved Daddy’s Home from being a complete waste of my time, still this movie plays like a cheesy 90s sitcom where the audience is supposed to be the laugh track, only thing is..we aren’t laughing. D
By: Nate Adams (@TheOnlyCritic) on Twitter and Instagram