Saint of the Week: Brittany Trout

Brittany Trout

Sport Management


Elk Rapids, Mich.

How do you feel about coming back to Siena this academic year and what do you expect of this semester?

– I’m excited to be back at school, and my goal this semester is to get a 4.0 GPA. Also, I’m looking forward to all of my classes this semester because they are all from my major. Since I’m done taking my general courses in previous semesters, I will start dealing with my career courses this present semester.

As a CLA on campus, what’s the most difficult part of your job?

-I think the most difficult part is dealing with any conflict students have on campus, and make sure they are following the rules. Also, a big challenge over an apartment is try to make people live as a community, which is very difficult.

Besides your academic performance, are you satisfied with your social life here at Siena, and in what specific way?

– Yes, I am. Because I don’t only have my teammates I could go to for help, I also have my friends outside the soccer team. I’m also a part of the Build-On group on campus, so I stay really busy.

What do you do for fun besides playing soccer?

–  I like to hang out with my friends and do anything outdoors. I like watching movies or TV shows or playing cards.