Student Involvement Fair Sept. 16 on Campus

Student Involvement Fair Sept. 16 on Campus

On Sept. 16, the Student Involvement Fair will be conducted in Benincasa Dining Hall from 1-4 p.m. There are more than 30 student organizations on campus, most of which will have a table at the fair.

“Students have the opportunity to come in and get to know them, get to know what the organizations are about, and how to get involved,” said Gabe Dunbar, director of Student Engagement at Siena Heights University.

Prior to being called the “Student Involvement Fair,” it was called the “Student Organization Fair.” Dunbar said it was renamed so that other campus offices had opportunities to come share, and that students will have more resources. Organizations such as the Writing Center, Student Life offices and other academic support services will be at the fair as well as the Math Club, PRIDE (LGBTQ and Ally Organization,) and many more groups.

For incoming freshmen, it might be a good idea to check out SPARCHC and Student Government, Dunbar said.

“Each student organization has their own focus,” Dunbar said. “Student Government and SPARCHC, both have a focus of the entire student body…as far as students that want to get involved generally, I think those two are great organizations because they have such a broad influence.”

In the past, the fair has been earlier in the year but has continued to be pushed back to accommodate more people. The later date allows “…upperclassmen and students org leaders a chance to regroup and get used to the semester, and hopefully give freshmen a chance to breathe as well, before thinking about getting involved,” said Dunbar.

At the fair there will be a handout that has a map feature where students can see the location of specific groups at the fair. There will be a tear-out plan to write out goals for involvement, and get a better idea at what groups students are interested in.

Check out the Student Engagement website at for more information and dates for major events on campus.